
Coloroco Lollipop Girl ‘Bonnie’

  • 30/07/2013

Welcome to Bonnie's Homepage! Bonnie is a white female bullterriër, with patches at the same place as our Lola has. She's quite the hand full but eager to learn and please her masters. She's already house trained after 3 days of consequent watching her (sssst don't tell anyone, she also sleeps on bed with me). Pandora offered herself to nurture her as a mommy would, while Lola watches her on her outside walks. All in all it's going great with the integration into the family. How did we get her: Well, we regularly watch the internet for the races we breed, just in case a beautiful exemplar...


News Update!

  • 15/07/2013
News Update!

Hello Readers and Owners, We have a few news updates for you. First of all the 45th National Dog Show @ Gorzów Wielkopolski which was held on the 7th of July 2013. We attended the exhibition with Cirilla, Claudia and Coco of World of Bullcraft. At the end of the day we had a Golden medal + CWC for Cirilla and a Bronze medal for Claudia. Coco didn't manage to earn a medal, but was still judged 'very good'. Second we have new additions to our kennel, a white with patch male bulldog (Taurus Amudaria, we call him Taurus) and a white with patch female bullterriër (Coloroco LOLLIPOP...