E Litter

We are still here…

  • 04/04/2014
We are still here…

Hello dear readers and visitors, Just a short message to let you all know we're still here. It's just a madhouse here that makes us not being able to provide you with much info at the moment. There's just soo much work in the house and garden, it's amazingly neglected over the last few years by the former owners. We're trying to restore some glamour here, to the garden mostly. Just some short info's on what's going on here at World of Bullcraft. We got a few pictures of Electra of World of Bullcraft which we added to her album. Thank you Sylvia, she grown a beauty! Also we got a picture...


Update on Ed and Us…

  • 09/09/2013
Update on Ed and Us…

We've received quite a few pictures from the owners of Ed of World of Bullcraft and I've added them to his Gallery. By now he's about 18 kilogram and growing healthily as you can see for yourself. It has been quiet for some time from our side. We're busy with many repairs in the house which is taking up alot of our time. The basement floor has been completely replaced to hopefully keep the water out. a new draining went in, 2 layers of plastic, new sand and on top of all that a concrete and waterglass mixture. We're exchanging the heating system for a semi-automatic one in the next few...


Pictorial Update E Litter…

  • 10/06/2013

We've gotten a few pictures from Ecstasy, Ed, Eleanor, Electra and Emy at their new homes enjoying the good life with friends and family. I've added the pictures to their galleries for everyone to admire. From most we got the information that everything is going great with the small ones.


All pups are at their new homes…

  • 03/06/2013

Hello Readers and Owners, All the pups from Didi's "E" Litter are now at their new families and houses troughout Austria, Germany and Poland. Eleanor was the last to leave us this morning, and she went to Germany. We hope everyone is doing fine and are getting used to their new family member and vice versa ofcourse. When we receive updates they will ofcourse be posted and announced here. Our Emily is going on a date at the end of this week with "Tres Llunes Invictus" (who also sired Didi's "E" Litter). If the date was succesful and when we expect the small ones will be ofcourse posted...


Picture and Video update…

  • 10/05/2013

Hello dear readers, Since we had a few days of nice weather, we've made quite a few new photo's and video's. The photo's have been uploaded to each pup's individual page and Didi's "E" Litter page already, and the video's I do in a moment on our YouTube channel. All in all about 50 photo's and 6 short video's that are added for your viewing pleasure. At the moment the pups are on their way to the veterinarian for their first injections and a general checkup. Very soon they will also go for the F.C.I. nest checkup in Zielona Góra, and get their birth certificate papers with which the official...